Each week in our music classes at Dolce Music Studio, babies, toddlers, preschoolers, and the grownups who love them come together to play musically. Your teacher, Portia Hansen, will lead you and the other families in music activities ranging from lullabies to full-on jam sessions (with child-friendly instruments, of course!) Little ones love playing along in class, and caregivers love being a part of their children’s growth into confident music-makers. You’ll take home the award-winning music used in class, along with an illustrated songbook and other resources. As you discover new ways to play with music all week long, you’ll be supporting your child’s music learning and overall development—even if you don’t think of yourself as a great singer or dancer.
Why mixed ages? Child development researchers discovered that grouping children of different ages in one class encourages natural, family-style learning, so Music Together developed the Mixed-Age Music Class. In this class, everyone participates at their levels: babies vocalize, listen, and observe; toddlers play and experiment; and preschoolers build confidence as they emerge as classroom leaders. Grownups are happy because everyone can come to class together! Call to schedule a trial Music Together Mixed Age class and see why we’re so excited to make music with you. Weekly mixed-age classes are offered on Mondays from 2:00-2:45, and Wednesday or Thursday mornings from 9:30-10:15 at Dolce Music Studio, suite 1219 Leander Rd in Georgetown, TX. Call 512-591-7833 to check class times that still have space available. Select Enroll Now at the bottom of this page to be added to the class list for the 10-week winter semester for the Drum Song Collection which begins January 6th. Tuition guarantees your time reservation. Of course, siblings may join at a reduced rate, as listed on the enrollment form.
Join us for the Drum Song Collection this Winter!
The 10-week semester begins January 6th, 8th, or 9th.
This upcoming session, your little ones will love jumping and hiding in “John the Rabbit” and “Sneak and Peek.” You’ll all be mesmerized by the beautiful lullaby, “Arrorró, mi niño” and enjoy the catchy rhythms of “Jim Jam Drummer.” In addition to your weekly classes, your tuition includes recordings and materials for you to use at home, including an illustrated songbook and access to the songs through the Music Together app.